Monday, 28 January 2013

Slow and steady wins the race

The billion dollar diet industry makes its money by promising fast weight loss with minimal effort. Pills, books, people, websites – they all make wild claims like “Loos 6kg in 2 weeks”, the desperate (which is most dieters) get drawn in like a moth to the flame. The initial first two weeks will show great losses, but that’s mainly water weight and not fat. Eventually the weight loss will come down to what is normal 1 – 2 pounds a weeks or alternatively 500g to 1 kg a week. In comparison to their previous large losses, this will seem to them like they are hitting a wall, many of them will become deterred and they will gain all the weight, plus more, back.

This is the very sad circle of events that happen everywhere. People don’t want to accept that there simply is no magic pill or magic diet that will make them skinny in a matter of weeks. The false hope these products give people is not helping either. Even intelligent, logic people who know better get sucked into these traps. At the end of the day, losing weight comes down to a few simple principles

-          Eat healthy and regularly

-          No Junk food or processed food or sugar laden food

-          Load up on veggies, salad and fruit in moderation

-          Eat lean proteins

-          Eat good fats

-          Drink lots of water

-          Stay away or limit alcohol intake

-          Exercise regularly

-          Get enough rest and sleep


These are the principle we all know so well, but yet refuse to apply because the results are not fast enough, but the results are real and undamaging to your body. Yes the above basics can be tweaked to make your diet and workout regime at an optimum level; the right macro nutrient ratios, the right kind of exercise, meal timing – and they all build together to get you running like a well oiled machine. Even with those tweaks, you are looking at a long steady journey. At the end of the day, it’s a lifestyle and permanent result. IT might take you a year or two to shed all the weight and get your body sculpted, but it will be done in and safe healthy way which will result in permanently altered eating and exercising behaviour and a stable weight.

This is the approach I am taking, I have also gotten sucked in by fads and have felt and seen the negative side of them. Today I celebrate my 1 kg loss I had for the week and I look forward to the journey of losing the rest. I look forward to the new life I am building and knowledge I am gaining every day.

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