Thursday, 24 January 2013

That dress....

So Murphy is a motherf#@ker.... what would happen, the dress I want goes on sale 11 months before my wedding and like millions of kg away from my goal weight.

What to do, what to do....what are my options?

By the dress in the size I plan to be, and then comes the time and the day, it just doesn't fit as I envisioned?
Don't by the dress and be a little sad for a long time?
Don't by the dress in hope that it will still be available after the sale later in the year...

and so my mind rails on!

Besides the obsessive dress thoughts are the; why didn't I just stick to my diet and exercise last year then I wouldn't have a dilemma right now - those are the worst. I am pretty peeved right now, even at the dress shop, who has a sale this time of the year...pfft!

Excuse my rant and rave, but this is why I created this blog, to share my trials and tribulations and f'ing dress dilemmas...sigh (sad face)

OK, I have to move on and over body is going to be so hot in 11 months I am not even going to want to wear a dress! Hell yes! Maybe this dress just wasn't suppose to be, I am sure something much more amazing is out there for me. I will stay positive and not let this affect me, I will Be Positive Bride :)

On a different note, follow me on twitter to see what I am eating when and what I am working out when. I will upload more info about my diet and exercise to the site this weekend, so please stay tuned....

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