Monday, 21 January 2013

The Quest Begins

On 21 December 2013 I am getting married to the most amazing man and I will be damned if I walk down the aisle looking like a big poufy marshmallow! I want to be the vibrant, sexy, confidant woman my fiancé met four years ago when I say I do.

This is what I looked like when I met my fiancé:

Fucking hot right! I know lol. Unfortunately I didn't stay like this....unfortunately I doubled my size ( I have lost a few kilo's since then), I am still however nowhere near looking like my old rocking self. If you want the full story of how I became a beached whale, please read "My Story" tab and for my current weight stats and before picture, have a look at "Progress" tab. 

I am very much over sulking around about my weight and the loss of my hotness...instead I am ready to take this head on and get ready for my wedding! I want to get fit, lean and back to my HOTNESS!

Here is the deal: I have basically 11 month to reach my goal, to lose 32 kg and to Be a Skinny Bride. I am going to eat right, workout hard and become the woman I want to be. I am going to do the research about diet, exercise and whatever else and apply it where I think and if I think it will work and along the way I will share my journey with you.

Maybe some of you will find some inspiration out of my journey and maybe I will pass on some wisdom, at the very least I hope I give you a few laughs and perhaps a tear.

Let the Skinny Quest begin.

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